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Go to Academics section on NITR's official website. Select "Academic Forms" option on the extreme left and click on "AC-R-02 Form for ID card" to download the form for a new ID card. Fill the form and get the necessary signatures and submit that at the Academics office and pay INR 1000 there by means of debit card or challan. You can collect your new ID card after a few days from the office. "www.nitrkl.ac.in/docs/AcademicForms/16032017163512052.pdf"
Enrolling in spot round won't lead to getting absent in the previous classes in which one was not there on campus. Instead, that will get displayed as late registration on NITRIS marked by pink colour. But if such an error happens, the student should contact his Faculty Advisor first and then take any step accordingly to resolve this issue.
No they cannot apply for minor degree.
8.0 CGPA is the cutoff to qualify for honours degree. Every person above 8.0 CG gets a honours degree.
Backlog is described as a scenario when a student fails a particular subject due to poor performance. The student must then repeat the subject either in the following summer (with no grade back) or take up the course next year with his/her juniors or by taking a supplementary exam (with a grade back, i.e., the max grade would be an A). Debar is described as a scenario when a student is removed from the course due to attendance or any other personal issue. He/she then has to repeat the course in another semester and need not attend classes in that semester. Deregister is described as a scenario where he/she removes his/her registration from that course and pursues it in a later semester. The SGPA/CGPA won’t be affected in any way because the student would complete the course before graduating. Grade back is defined as a scenario when the student gets his/her grade subtracted by one level before even appearing for it. Possible reasons include attendance issues. Students can take a maximum of 2n leaves for an n credit course (Max 8 absences for 4 credit courses, 6 absences for 3 credit courses, and 4 absences for 2 credit courses). If exceeded, he/she would get a grade back. The maximum possible grade that can be secured would be an A, not an EX.
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